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Ponea Health Patient App Authentication

In 2022, I designed the flagship product for Ponea Health, a digital healthcare startup.

Screen mockups Login & Credentials

Called the Patient App, this product aggregated all the services that had been launched by Ponea Health since the starup was founded.

This merge would allow users to find all these services within this one "super-app".

The challenge: Some users had been using different login credentials for seperate services before the merge. We needed to bring all their data together, and let them choose what email address and phone number they would be using to log into the Patient App.

Picking Preferred Credentials

The solution

With the patient microservice, we grouped all login credentials and patient data belonging to one user using a unique Ponea ID.

This ID made it easier to isolate everything about that patient: email addresses, phone numbers, medical records, payment records, appointments, etc.

Challenge solved: Users could now select their preferred email address and phone number to use going forward.

Before After

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